Though I can only speak from personal experience, I think that we you are experiencing is common with AMN. I had urinary issues for many years. Sometimes I had to go as many as 7 times before 10:00 in the morning. It was very inconvenient. I also had leaking. That is, my bladder would spasm and some urine would come out. A little less than two years ago I had a procedure done where they inject botox into my bladder to deaden the nerves. Now I have no leaking, and I generally only go to the bathroom 6 times a day. Actually, I probably need to have the procedure done again as the effects of the botox wear off after a while. However, I have not wanted to incur the costs. The only downside is that I can have to catheterize as I literally cannot go by myself. That is a pain and costly, but is much better than going to the bathroom all the time and soiling yourself. All in all, I highly recommend the procedure.
I have also had bowel issues (i.e. bad diarrhea), which are even more troubling. In the last year I have had several instances of soiling myself away from the house. Of all the things in the world, that is probably the most embarrassing. One doctor recommended that I take Fiber Con to maintain regularity. I had previously tried Metamucil and Miralax, but had problems with both. Since being on Fiber Con (about three months), I have only had one instance of diarrhea and fortunately made it to the bathroom. Further, my bowel movements are much more regular. Hopefully this will work for the long term.
So that is my story. AMN obviously sucks and bladder/bowel issues are a big concern. I would love to hear what others have to say about how they have dealt with these problems.