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MPdaCNA Message
24 Mar 2014, 03:29 AM

We would LOVE to connect with you, we also see Dr. Sherbin, although Dr. Markin and Hosmer are Eric's primary Pulmonologists. They are an AMAZING TEAM! We are certainly blessed to have great medical resources here in Portland.
MPdaCNA Message
25 Mar 2014, 11:57 PM

Kelly ... did you see this??
Kellyb Message
27 Mar 2014, 05:28 AM

Just seeing it now. I have been in Seattle today seeing Dr. Raghu. You are in great hands! Love Hosmer and Sherbin!. Have not met Markin but have heard good things. I also see Dr. Kathy Baker in rheumatology. She's great, easy to communicate with and good working with all the rest of my team. I also highly recommend pulmonary rehab at good Sam.
MPdaCNA Message
27 Mar 2014, 05:41 AM

Eric won't have insurance next month. Once we get him set up on OHP or something else, and/or qualified for disability, he will be going to Pulmonary Rehab there. The next few months are precarious as he's officially terminated from work ...