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Red Cell Aplasia

knides Message
8 Nov 2013, 03:57 PM

My son just had a bone marrow transplant. He has red cell aplasia, and they suspect that his immune system is keeping him from making red blood cells. I'm desperate to find more information about red cell aplasia and would love to find someone who underwent a bone marrow transplant for this disorder. There is no organization or resource I can find for specific information. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. There is no guarantee that the transplant will correct this problem. He is only 11, and I wonder how this will affect his growth and development.
julesquick Message
9 Nov 2013, 10:40 AM

So sorry to hear about your son. I'm not sure where you live, but I see Robert Brodsky at Johns Hopkins. I have several different hematologist problems - Red Cell Aplasia is not one of them. Dr. Brodsky is the world leader in Auto Immune Disease - he has saved my life, literally. If you don't live near Baltimore - it may be his office can refer you to someone in your area. Best of luck to you and your family.