Hi to all!
You know I have been talking and working for a while on the Dent patient survey.
We now have the fantastic opportunity to do the survey at the RDCRN (Rare Diseases Clinical Research network) website. It is an organization supported by the NIH funding us, so the whole survey will be done completely secure and the data analysis will also be done by RDCRN.
It is an opportunity we cannot miss.
I now need all the members of Dent community to register at the RDCRN Dent contact registry.
Follow the instructions:
1. Log on to: http://rarediseasesnetwork.epi.usf.edu
2. Go to Rare Kidney Stone Consortium
3. Chose "Join the RDCRN Contact Registry" for Dent disease
The survey will be posted at RDCRN website as soon as it is approved and downloaded by the site and will be distributed to the members of the RDCRN Cotact Registry for Dent (that's why I need you to register there).
Hopeful to see the results of this work!!!