I was diagnosed July 2009 with RA and LGL. My ANC was hovering in the .3, .6, .1, .4 ranges for two years. I had RA flares in various joints, and mystery pains in various places.
I started to experiment with various synthetic cannabinoids to treat the RA symptoms. I started with compounds in the "JWH" series. Named after John W Huffman who developed these for scientific research. I found the 018 helped to prevent RA flares, but my blood counts remained low and unchanged. Then I tried a compound named AM-2201, which is much stronger. After about six weeks of nightly treatment, a visit to the doc revealed my numbers are 2.7 and completely normal. The RA pain went away and am in complete remission.
I have not told anyone of my experiments. But figure that this needs to get out so that others may possibly benefit.
BTW, these compounds may not be legal in your jurisdiction, check the laws in your area.