Hello All:
I know this is probably going to sound stupid but here goes anyway. I have noticed that most of the members of the AMN community were born in cold months, not all but most. Has anyone figured out if their "genetic gift giver" or parent was ill during conception or pregnancy? Is this a factor in the development of the disease in some patients? I would be interested in finding out wether the people born in cold months have cerebral involvement as well, i.e. lesions in the brain.
The cold weather hear in Canada has left my husband, daughter and mother-in-law almost paralized during the winter. We moved away from Northern Alberta and the minus 40 degree celcius weather to the warmer climate of Southern Ontario Canada and it has had some positive effects on the amount of pain being experienced. All three of them were born in the colder months of the year. We are very concerned for the newest member of our family who was also born in the cold climate of Alberta in the winter.
Okay....there, I said it. Does anyone else have anything, and I do mean ANYTHING to add on temperature, winter babies and AMN, or my lack of reasonable thought?
Staying out of the cold,