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Rare Kidney Stone Consortium Symposium

LadaBL Message
1 Oct 2012, 06:50 PM

For all our patients from GB (and the others close by), there will be a meeting sponsored and organized by RKSC (Rare Kidney Stone Consortium) in London on Saturday December 15, 2012. The symposium will be directed at patients, we would be happy for anyone that can be there. This follows by one day the Lowe Syndrome Symposium, directed at healthcare professionals, to be held in London on Friday December 14, 2012. The meeting will include 4 rare stone diseases: Cystinuria, Primary Hyperoxaluria, APRT deficiency and Dent disease. Let me know if anyone is interested in coming to the meeting, it's an opportunity for Dent patients to connect. I will post the specific time and place as soon as available. Lada
valgraham Message
2 Oct 2012, 05:43 PM

Hi Lada I would be interested in going to this meeting - but I am the parent of a patient, so hope that's ok. I look forward to hearing more details when they become available. Thanks Val
LadaBL Message
6 Oct 2012, 04:42 AM

Great! I'll keep you updated. Of course parents and family members are expected and welcomed since patients are often children (and even if they are not)! There will be no registration fee. Lada
kjsjd Message
10 Oct 2012, 05:56 PM

Hi Lada I am definitely interested in attending the 15th december meeting. Best wishes
LadaBL Message
11 Oct 2012, 01:08 PM

Excellent! It wi be great to meet you in person. Lada
LadaBL Message
28 Nov 2012, 02:58 AM

Dear valgraham and kjsjd, I have received the final program and can send it to you if you send me your email addresses to Please register at: . Registration is free, but some food will be provided and we would like to know how many people will attend. I will be really glad to meet you in person! Lada