My Savana had some balancing issues too, after getting the tubes in her ears it was much better. Last spring she had many, throat, ear, and sinus infections, so the Dr. had us put her on Allergy meds to dry her up so that all of the secondary infections would heal up. This was a big mistake, her behavior changed for the worse, physically she was "drunk like" and her speech became slurred. As soon as I stopped giving her the Allergy meds she was back to normal. She did end up getting her tonsils and adenoids removed, and that was a huge help...wish we would have done it sooner, to avoid all of the antibiotics. Anyway, this fall we had her allergies treated by a Chiropractor, and it has been life changing! I highly recommend it. We also went to an Allergist, but Savana had "Sensitivities" not "Allergies" so there was nothing we could do. Anyway, the Chiropractor that treated her is in Arizona, if your interested in getting some information for your little ones you could look at his website, and see if there are any Doctors where you live that do the same noninvasive treatments. The website is I had 3 of my children treated, and had awesome results. It sounds to good to be true, but everyone I have referred to the Dr. has had amazing results. I think it is worth looking into, and seeing if anyone in your area is doing the same kind of treatments.
Also, Savana did really well with sign language and a picture/word book I made her with velcro. She really did not become verbal until age 5. She is doing great now at age 8, especially since she has had a really healthy year! The only time we have a hard time with communication is when she is over tired, she becomes frustrated. This does not happen often.