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Trigeminal Neuralgia

What is Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Trigeminal Neuralgia is a disorder of the trigeminal nerve that causes periods of intense pain in the eyes, lips, nose, scalp, forehead, and jaw.


Trigeminal Neuralgia is a disorder of the trigeminal nerve that causes periods of intense pain in the eyes, lips, nose, scalp, forehead, and jaw.
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Trigeminal neuralgia causes facial pain.Trigeminal neuralgiadevelops in mid to late life. The condition is the most frequently occurring of all the nerve pain disorders. The pain, which comes and goes, feels like bursts of sharp, stabbing, electric-shocks. This pain can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. People with trigeminal neuralgia become plagued by intermittent severe pain that interferes with common daily activities such as eating and sleep. They live in fear of unpredictable painful attacks, which leads to sleep deprivation and undereating. The condition can lead to irritability, severe anticipatory anxiety and depression, and life-threatening malnutrition. Suicidal depression is not uncommon.
* A defining feature of trigeminal neuralgia is the trigger zone-a small area in the central part of the face, usually on a cheek, nose, or lip, that, when stimulated, triggers a typical burst of pain. o A light touch or vibration is the most effective trigger. o Because of this, many common daily activities trigger the attacks. + Washing your face, brushing your teeth, shaving, or talking + Common sensations such as having wind hit your face + Eating and chewing * Many people avoid food and drink rather than experience the severe pain. o These people risk weight loss and dehydration, a leading cause of hospitalization in this group. o People frequently require hospitalization for rapid pain control when their trigeminal neuralgia becomes unmanageable at home. * Between attacks, most people remain relatively pain-free. A subgroup, however, experience a dull ache between attacks, suggesting physical compression of the affected nerve, either by a blood vessel or some other structure.
Diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia has not been added yet.
Diagnostic tests of Trigeminal Neuralgia has not been added yet
The drug Lyrica helps a lot! Drug treatments. Various drugs are usually the first line of treatment for facial neuralgias. Anticonvulsants and antidepressants are routinely given in various combinations for TN and GN disorders. Various other drugs have also been used for individual facial neuralgia cases. Doctors use 3 main drugs to treat trigeminal neuralgia-baclofen (Lioresal), carbamazepine (Tegretol), and phenytoin (Dilantin) Surgical treatments. If drugs do not help or the side effects are too severe, there are several different surgical options available to TN and GN patients. Other facial neuralgia disorders such as atypical TN and atypical facial pain often are not helped by surgery. Each surgical option has its advantages and disadvantages. We have tried to be as evenhanded as possible, but here more than anywhere else the material is difficult, conflicting, and even controversial. "Alternative" treatments. This category contains a wide variety of treatments that are usually not mentioned in the more rigorous literature, but are nevertheless commonly used. Some of the treatments deal with the side effects of facial neuralgias rather than the condition itself. Some are "borderline" or "pseudo-scientific".
Prognosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia has not been added yet.
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Travis Barker says he suffered a facial pain syndrome: What is trigeminal neuralgia? 10/01/2023
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Clinical Trials

Cords registry

CoRDS, or the Coordination of Rare Diseases at Sanford, is based at Sanford Research in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It provides researchers with a centralized, international patient registry for all rare diseases. This program allows patients and researchers to connect as easily as possible to help advance treatments and cures for rare diseases. The CoRDS team works with patient advocacy groups, individuals and researchers to help in the advancement of research in over 7,000 rare diseases. The registry is free for patients to enroll and researchers to access.

Enrolling is easy.

  1. Complete the screening form.
  2. Review the informed consent.
  3. Answer the permission and data sharing questions.

After these steps, the enrollment process is complete. All other questions are voluntary. However, these questions are important to patients and their families to create awareness as well as to researchers to study rare diseases. This is why we ask our participants to update their information annually or anytime changes to their information occur.

Researchers can contact CoRDS to determine if the registry contains participants with the rare disease they are researching. If the researcher determines there is a sufficient number of participants or data on the rare disease of interest within the registry, the researcher can apply for access. Upon approval from the CoRDS Scientific Advisory Board, CoRDS staff will reach out to participants on behalf of the researcher. It is then up to the participant to determine if they would like to join the study.

Visit to enroll.

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